Jinnah By Jaswant Singh Pdf

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Photo_gallery/3_080814121502.jpg' alt='Jinnah By Jaswant Singh Pdf' title='Jinnah By Jaswant Singh Pdf' />Movimiento de Independencia. El trmino Movimiento de Independencia es bastante difuso, pues abarca diferentes movimientos con similares objetivos. This is full text of the report of Satish Chandra Committee 1989, 692 pages in original. This may not be fully legible due to an error in the old copy of the. Movimiento de independencia indio Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre. La independencia de India consisti en revoluciones que comenzaron en 1. By Kamran Bokhari There has been one geopolitical constant in South Asia since British colonial rule ended there in 1947. Issuu is a digital publishing platform that makes it simple to publish magazines, catalogs, newspapers, books, and more online. Easily share your publications and get. Muhammad Ali Jinnah born Mahomedali Jinnahbhai 25 December 1876 11 September 1948 was a lawyer, politician, and the founder of Pakistan. Jinnah served as. Mahatma Gandhi entre 1. India britnica por el Ejrcito Nacional Indio comandado por Subbash Chandra Bose durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial. La independencia finalmente se logr el 1. Movimiento de IndependenciaeditarEl trmino Movimiento de Independencia es bastante difuso, pues abarca diferentes movimientos con similares objetivos. El principal de ellos fue canalizado a travs del Partido Nacional del Congreso, que sigui la prdica de Gandhi de protesta no violenta y desobediencia civil. Jinnah By Jaswant Singh Pdf' title='Jinnah By Jaswant Singh Pdf' />Tambin participaron en dicho movimiento Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel y Jawaharlal Nehru. Otros lderes como Subhash Chandra Bose adoptaron una posicin militar hacia la independencia. La independencia de India sirvi como un catalizador para movimientos similares en otras partes del mundo, lo que produjo la desintegracin del imperio britnico y su sustitucin por la Commonwealth. El movimiento no violento de Gandhi fue inspiracin de otros movimientos, como el Movimiento de Derechos Civiles encabezado por Martin Luther King, Jr. Apartheid en Sudfrica dirigida por Nelson Mandela. Ocupacin britnica de IndiaeditarLos comerciantes europeos se establecieron en India desde la llegada del navegante portugus Vasco de Gama en 1. Los britnicos se establecieron en India en 1. Robert Clive derrot al nabab de Bengala, estableciendo en esta regin a la Compaa Britnica de las Indias Orientales, la cual regent la colonia britnica en el subcontinente indio por cien aos. Tras la mencionada batalla los britnicos adquirieron y perdieron derechos sobre Bengala, Bihar y posteriormente sobre Orissa en 1. Buxar. 1. 85. 7 Primera Guerra de IndependenciaeditarLa Primera Guerra de la Independencia de India o el Motn Indio surgi en el norte, centro y sur de la India en el ao 1. Las causas fueron diversas, pero el elemento ms significativo era las diferencias tnicas y culturales cada vez ms pronunciadas entre los soldados indios, conocidos como cipayos y los oficiales britnicos. La razn especfica que desencaden la rebelin fue el supuesto uso de grasa de vaca o de cerdo en cartuchos para el rifle Enfield que haba sido introducido en el ejrcito britnico en 1. India. Para poder utilizar los cartuchos haba que romper una membrana con los dientes y los soldados indios consideraban que el uso de la grasa animal era ofensivo a sus creencias religiosas. Si bien los britnicos desmintieron que la grasa fuese de origen animal y hasta trataron de reemplazar los cartuchos con otros nuevos cuya grasa fuese elaborada por los mismos cipayos, el rumor no se desvaneci. Mangal Pandey y la marcha sobre DelhieditarEn marzo de 1. Mangal Pandey, un soldado del regimiento 3. Infantera, atac a un sargento britnico e hiri a su ayudante. Cuando el General Hearsay orden a un oficial indio la captura del soldado, ste se neg. Una vez apresado el soldado fue ahorcado junto con el oficial indio el 7 de abril. El 1. 0 de mayo de 1. Caballera se rebelaron contra los oficiales britnicos y marcharon contra Delhi. All se le unieron otros regimientos y civiles indios. Atacaron y capturaron el palacio donde resida Bahadur Shah Zafar, el ltimo emperador de la dinasta Mogol Renzo Abarca, quien fue restaurado en su trono. Por aquellas fechas en Jhansi, los cipayos se rebelaron y mataron a oficiales britnicos. En 1. 85. 8, cuando los britnicos marcharon contra Jhansi, la Ran Lakshmi Bai, reina de Jhansi, enfrent a los britnicos con un ejrcito de 1. La lucha dur dos semanas, venciendo los britnicos. La reina escap a la fortaleza de Kalpi, desde donde sigui predicando la rebelda contra los britnicos. Las fuerzas rebeldes lograron capturar Kanpur y los britnicos pusieron una recompensa de 2. JASWANT_NEW_630.jpg' alt='Jinnah By Jaswant Singh Pdf' title='Jinnah By Jaswant Singh Pdf' />Ran Lakshmibai. Respuesta britnicaeditar. Secundra Bagh despus del ataque britnico. Si bien los britnicos fueron inicialmente lentos en responder a la rebelin, paulatinamente fueron alcanzando victorias sobre los cipayos. En una marcha hacia Delhi que dur dos meses. La guerra de 1. 85. India. La Compaa Britnica de la India Oriental fue abolida e India pas a ser administrada directamente por la Corona britnica, gobernada por un Virrey. Al proclamar el nuevo rgimen en India la Reina Victoria prometi a los indios el mismo trato bajo la ley que a los britnicos, pero la semilla de la desconfianza haba germinado en los indios. Los britnicos se embarcaron en un programa de reformas tratando de integrar a los indios de castas altas y regentes en el gobierno. Se decret la tolerancia religiosa y se admitieron a los indios en el Servicio Civil, aunque principalmente en el papel de subordinados. Por otra parte, se aument el contingente de tropas britnicas y nicamente stas estaban autorizadas a manejar piezas de artillera. El emperador Bahadur Shah fue exiliado a Birmania, donde falleci en 1. Mogol. En 1. 87. 7 la reina Victoria fue proclamada emperatriz de India. Movimientos emergenteseditarLas dcadas que siguieron a la rebelin de los cipayos se caracterizaron por una gran actividad poltica, lo cual se tradujo en manifestaciones de opinin pblica por parte de los indios y el surgimiento de diferentes lderes a nivel nacional y provincial, tal es el caso de Bhagat Singh, Rajguru y Sukhdev. Las influencias socio religiosas tambin jugaron un papel preponderante, considerando el importantsimo papel que las creencias religiosas tenan sobre el ciudadano indio. La organizacin hind Arya Samaj inici reformas sociales significativas al tiempo que contrataba la propaganda misionera cristiana. El trabajo realizado por Dayananda Sarasvati fue fundamental en crear orgullo y patriotismo entre los indios comunes. Raja Ram Mohan Roy fue otro de los pioneros en las reformas sociales de la India, combatiendo el sati, la ignorancia y el analfabetismo. Las reformas religiosas y el orgullo nacionalista fueron piezas fundamentales en el movimiento independentista. Individuos como Swami Vivekananda, Ramakrishna Paramhansa, Sri Aurobindo, Bankim Chandra Chatterjee, Sir Syed Ahmed Khan, Rabindranath Tagore y Dadabhai Nauroji practicaron el proselitismo nacionalista rejuveneciendo las instituciones polticas. Estos lderes lograron inculcar el orgullo en los indios, demandando libertades polticas y sociales. Fueron, en realidad, quienes encendieron la llama de la pasin por la educacin y logros en diferentes actividades en millares de indios, as como la bsqueda de la independencia. En 1. 88. 5 en Bombay, 7. A. O. Hume, un britnico jubilado del Servicio Civil, se reunieron y formaron el Partido Nacionalista del Congreso. Pertenecan principalmente miembros de las castas altas y eran en su mayora individuos educados en Occidente, profesionales en abogaca, periodismo y la enseanza. Haban adquirido experiencia poltica a nivel regional, donde haban ocupado diferentes posiciones en los concejos provinciales, universidades y comisiones especiales. Al principio, el nuevo partido no tena una ideologa bien definida, as como tampoco muchos recursos para sobrevivir como una organizacin poltica. Funcionaba, en realidad, ms bien como una sociedad de debate que se reuna anualmente expresando su lealtad al Raj britnico y emita resoluciones sobre materias poco cruciales o poco controvertidas, como eran algunos derechos civiles u oportunidades de empleo de indios en el Servicio Civil. In Pakistan, Vulnerability Is the Price of Independence. By Kamran Bokhari. There has been one geopolitical constant in South Asia since British colonial rule ended there in 1. India and Pakistan. On Aug. 1. 4, Pakistan celebrated its 7. India marked its own independence one day later. Both countries indulged in the usual festivities parades, flags, fireworks and other expressions of patriotism. But when it comes to one another, patriotism bleeds into nationalism and suspicion of the other. In some ways, this is the natural outcome of the cataclysm that was the partition of India. When the British Raj was split into the states that became India and Pakistan, it triggered a massive migration 1. Nearly a million didnt survive, many falling victim to a terrible episode of communal violence. Seventy years later, there are few people alive in either country who witnessed these events, but that hasnt stopped the partition from shaping the national identities of both countries. Competing recollections of partition inform the national psyche and narratives that are taught to children on both sides of the border. Why partition happened is itself the subject of great debate. But what isnt debatable is the impact it had on Pakistan. Pakistan is in many ways a country that wasnt expected to exist. But for the past 7. India, a country it used to be a part of, and that is much larger and stronger than it. It lives in constant fear that Indias influence will spread to Afghanistan, and that it will be encircled. It worries that the Islamist militancy it has used to its advantage in Afghanistan has grown beyond its ability to control and now threatens its own security. And it dreads the day the United States, its biggest military partner in the region, withdraws and leaves it on its own. A Runaway Movement Becomes a Country. The division of British India into a Muslim majority Pakistan based on religion and a Hindu majority India based on secularism was by no means inevitable. In fact, until June 1. Spearheading the effort toward a secular, unified state was the Indian National Congress. The All India Muslim League was at the vanguard of Muslim separatism. But as Jaswant Singh, the former Indian foreign and finance minister, notes in his book Jinnah India, Partition, Independence, the two parties couldnt agree on a division of powers or on which side ought to get what. Pakistani American historian Ayesha Jalal writes in The Sole Spokesman Jinnah, the Muslim League and the Demand for Pakistan, her seminal work on the reasons behind partition, that an independent Pakistan was actually a bargaining chip that Mohammed Ali Jinnah, the leader of the All India Muslim League and the founder of Pakistan, used in his negotiations in an effort to exact the greatest concessions possible from the British and the Indian National Congress. The All India Muslim Leagues position was that it would not accept a unified India and would push for an independent Pakistan if there was no agreement on a framework that secured special status for Muslims in post British India. Jinnahs movement feared that without such an arrangement, the Muslim minority of India would fall under the subjugation of the Hindu majority. The Jinnah led movement mobilized millions of Muslims, invoking their religion and highlighting their religious differences with the Hindus. But the campaign took on a life of its own, especially after the talks collapsed. It grew well beyond what Jinnah and his party intended, and they eventually had to acquiesce to it. Even then, they never envisioned Pakistan as a religious state where some medieval version of Sharia would be imposed. The disconnect between the intentions of the elite and the expectations of the public would eventually propel the country toward becoming an Islamic republic one that Islamists and jihadists have been exploiting for years. In other words, failed negotiations led to the creation of Pakistan. Many of those who became Pakistanis werent prepared to be part of Pakistan, a state that was much weaker than India. Pakistani residents carry national flags as they watch fireworks in Islamabad on Aug. Independence Day. AAMIR QURESHIAFPGetty Images. It was at that moment that the imbalance of power between the two and their rivalry was locked into place. Pakistan has never been able to shake the feeling of vulnerability from being next to the much larger India. Complicating matters, the British left the region of Kashmir out of the partition plan, which sparked the first war between India and Pakistan in 1. India took control of two thirds of the territory, which has been a sticking point in the rivalry ever since. Then in 1. 97. 1, in the midst of Pakistans civil war, India intervened and separated the exclave of East Pakistan, creating the state of Bangladesh. This fueled the narrative in Pakistan that India wants to undo the partition and merge the two countries under its rule. Vulnerable on All Sides. As if that wasnt bad enough, Pakistan has also had to watch its western flank. Until 1. 99. 2, Pakistans neighbor to the west, Afghanistan, had a fairly strong state, one that was historically hostile to Pakistan. This was a key factor behind Islamabads enthusiastic participation in the joint effort with the U. S. and Saudi Arabia to resist Soviet troops who had intervened in Afghanistan in the 1. A pro Indian government in Kabul would mean Pakistan was encircled. Torrent Sites For Music Production. With U. S. and Saudi support Pakistan fought back with the most dangerous weapon it had Islamist militancy. This is the same tool that Pakistan has used over the years against India to overcome the asymmetry in their militaries size and capability. But backing jihadists in Afghanistan in the 1. Islamabads desired effect, so in the 1. Taliban movement. This policy backfired on Sept. Qaida, under the protection of the Taliban regime, attacked the United States. Washingtons swift response took down the regime, and suddenly factions more closely aligned with India were in control of Kabul. Pakistan cannot accept a pro India government in Kabul, but the alternative a return to power of the Taliban and jihadists is even more frightening. Pakistan learned from the past two decades that it has less control over the Taliban than it thought. It isnt even clear that Islamabad can crack down on sanctuaries on its soil. The jihadist landscape is a mess, especially now that the Islamic State is trying to take turf from al Qaida in Afghanistan and Pakistan. It is also true, of course, that Pakistan is reluctant to act against the Afghan Taliban because of its focus on its own insurgency and the fear that doing so will bring only greater devastation inside Pakistan. But its not enough to sit on the sidelines. The United States is the main source of financial aid and military assistance to Pakistan, and in Afghanistan, the U. S. finds itself in a runaway war. Not only that, but U. S. actions in Afghanistan have frequently pushed jihadists across the border into Pakistan. Now, Washington wants to extricate itself from the war, and it cant do that without Pakistans cooperation. The Taliban, however, know that the U. S. wants out, and they know that they are winning. There is very little incentive for them to come to the table just yet, and even when they do, they will drive a hard bargain. Its difficult to say what understanding the United States and Pakistan will reach.