Jet.Oledb.4.0 Windows 7 64 Bit
Microsoft. Jet. OLEDB. I know that I have this problem over and over when I deploy my application on a new server because Im using this driver to connect to a Excel file. So here it is what Im doing lately. Theres a Windows Server 2. R2, I install the Access drivers for a x. I get rid of this message, which makes me very happy just to bump into another. This one here below works splendidly on my dev machine but on server gives me an error even after installing the latest ODBC drivers, which I think this is the problem, but this is how I solved it. Oledb. Provider. String ProviderMicrosoft. Jet. OLEDB. 4. 0 Data SourceData. DirectoryOlson. Windows. Extended PropertiesExcel 8. HDRYES. I replace with the new provider like this below private const string Oledb. Provider. String ProviderMicrosoft. ACE. OLEDB. 1. 2. Data SourceData. DirectoryOlson. Windows. xlsx Extended PropertiesExcel 1. HDRYES. But as I do this, theres one thing you should notice. Using the. xlsx file extension and Excel version is 1. After I get into this error message Error Could Not Find Installable ISAM, I decide to change the things a little bit like below private const string Oledb. Provider. String ProviderMicrosoft. ACE. OLEDB. 1. 2. Data SourceData. DirectoryOlson. Windows. xls Extended PropertiesExcel 8. HDRYES. and yes, Im done with that nasty thing, but here I got another message The Microsoft Access database engine cannot open or write to the file timezone. It is already opened exclusively by another user, or you need permission to view and write its data. Sanchez Praise Him Rar. Im not far away from solving it. Maybe theres another process that opened the file meanwhile and all that I have to do is a restart and all will take start smoothly running as expected. Which version did you downloaded and installed 32 or 64 bit must be 64 bits add reference to Microsoft ActiveX Data Object 6. Dim conn As ADODB. Connection. Hi Xperts, I am migrating to a new fresh PC with windows 7 and getting the above exception Provider cannot be found. It may not be properly installed when. Microsoft. Jet. OLEDB. Microsoft. Jet. OLEDB. Provider is not registered on the local machine. Windows. Je possde un PC sous Windows 7 Professionnel 64 bits et jai programm une application JAVA devant avoir accs une base de donnes Microsoft Access. Mon. I have windows 764bit SQL Server 2008 R264bit but my MS office is 32 bit ODBC Drivers 32 bit. I have a situation to use OPENROWSET function as below SELECT. MicrosoftODBC Driver Manager Data source name not found and no default driver specified If you keep running into this on the 64 bit versions of windows, ie server.